I dislike politics so I don’t follow much about it. But what’s happening in Hong Kong catches my attention. As a Chinese from Hong Kong where I still have lots of friends and relatives, I feel obligated to comment on what the Hong Kong government has done to its citizens. After listening to Hong Kong’s CEO answering those questions posed by the journalist on the protesters and the gangsters and what Wong Chi Kwong commented on the smearing of the emblem, I find what they said is hilarious. I doubt their intelligence and capability. These two honestly insult the intelligence of our world’s intelligent people. Patriotism means to love one’s country and its citizens and not to jeopardize their safety and especially not to involve gangsters. I ask you Premier Xi, have I interpreted patriotism correctly? It’s no use to keep replacing CEOs each time they become gravely unpopular because the Hong Kong people no longer trust their government or the Central Government. What Hong Kong people need is a CEO who will strive for their well being and not one who just take orders. Hong Kong people need to be appeased and not aggravated. Let them enjoy the freedom they used to have, is it not true that they’ve been promised 50 years of high autonomy? How this whole episode will settle peacefully depends on how the Central Government will handle it.
I dislike politics so I don’t follow much about it. But what’s happening in Hong Kong catches my attention. As a Chinese from Hong Kong where I still have lots of friends and relatives, I feel obligated to comment on what the Hong Kong government has done to its citizens. After listening to Hong Kong’s CEO answering those questions posed by the journalist on the protesters and the gangsters and what Wong Chi Kwong commented on the smearing of the emblem, I find what they said is hilarious. I doubt their intelligence and capability. These two honestly insult the intelligence of our world’s intelligent people. Patriotism means to love one’s country and its citizens and not to jeopardize their safety and especially not to involve gangsters. I ask you Premier Xi, have I interpreted patriotism correctly? It’s no use to keep replacing CEOs each time they become gravely unpopular because the Hong Kong people no longer trust their government or the Central Government. What Hong Kong people need is a CEO who will strive for their well being and not one who just take orders. Hong Kong people need to be appeased and not aggravated. Let them enjoy the freedom they used to have, is it not true that they’ve been promised 50 years of high autonomy? How this whole episode will settle peacefully depends on how the Central Government will handle it.