Sometimes I just won’t give up and won’t let go. For example, the other day I was trying to upload a video with a song of my own creation onto Youtube, I've done that before and I could do it; but this time when I searched on internet to show me how to do it I found my age old computer is lacking one function which made it impossible for me to just follow the instructions and had it done. So I attempted other ways, I racked my mind and I believed I was so close to having it done. I refused to give up. I worked for hours in the morning and started again in the evening until 3:30 am, until I was so tired and I had to give up, I had to let go. I would ask for help and do it another day. This is real madness that I should not repeat, but this was not the first time, so I need to learn to let go when necessary.
Today is the eighth day since the flu and I’m still coughing like mad. A friend has used ‘flu’ to compare to mental illness. I, too, want to compare it to depression although depression is a more serious matter and takes longer to come out of. The uncomfortable feeling, the unwelcome by others – because it is contagious – the despair when day after day it still won’t go; all these cause depression. But fortunately when you get well, like getting past a depression, all will be rosy again. So hang in there all you who have flu and be prepared to find paradise once it’s over.
On October 1, the new mall, North West – which will be the largest in Auckland – is partly open. To celebrate, shops try all sorts of gimmicks to attract customers. As we live close by we went to share the enthusiasm.
We have nothing in mind that we wanted to buy and before we left we walked into the new supermarket to see if there is anything worth buying. Wow the first thing caught my eyes: $1/Kg kumara, so we picked two pieces. We thought of a menu for dinner, so went to the delicatessen and bought several pieces of Continental Frankfurters and streaky bacon. We left very happy because we’d bought some very cheap kumara. My husband baked the kumara, grilled the Frankfurters and bacon. Instead of as highly expected of a good, tasty meal, we found the kumara were not like kumara; the Frankfurters were not like Continental Frankfurters and the streaky bacon were not crispy no matter how long we grilled them for. The answer: we bought cheap food at an unreasonable price and still thought we got a good deal. After living here in Auckland for more than twenty years, love this place mainly because of the honesty shown by the people here and now for the first time have encountered sly, cunning business tricks – Auckland is being polluted! 我來了新西蘭已二十多年,這一次還是親身經歷大超市將貨就價來吸引顧客。十月一号North West Mall-將會是全奥克蘭市最大的Mall-開始部分營業;我們也趁高興往看看。因沒什麽需要買便進新超市內看看。哎喲,蕃薯一塊錢一公斤?很抵啊,挑了兩個。再買了四條Frankfurters, 四條streaky bacon-這就是晚餐。
把蕃薯焗熟,燒了香腸及bacon,應該非常味美。但香腸不像Frankfurters的質及味,bacon 的厚度怎麽燒也不脆。蕃薯也不是一般的好味。這不是騙人嗎?!新西蘭變了什麽地方啊?她的可愛處、以誠實見稱處已被蠶食了! She woke up to a day of incessant vomiting. It could only be prevented by lying down. A fear dawned on her. Was it the return of something she experienced in her teens when after a month of overdose of Streptomycin causing the vomit? But why now again? Yes, she does suffer from Benign Positional Vertigo once in a while but does that make her vomit?
She lost all appetite for the day and slept almost all day and throughout the night just to avoid the nausea. The next day the vomiting eased but her appetite did not return. She forced herself to some rice at dinner. Went to bed early. Waking up she felt hungry – a good sign. Her throat was cracking like burning log. She got up, made an appointment to see a doctor. Then ate a piece of bread. She drank heaps of water. Now she was much relieved as the nausea was gone. It was more flu than what she was afraid to have happened. She went into the doctor’s room. Told her all the history. Surprisingly she did not need antibiotics or any medication. ‘The fever can be dealt with by taking Panadol.’ Her appetite did not improve and yet she felt hungry. She found lunch and dinner unattractive. Again she went to bed early as it was a way to escape from feeling unwell. She was hungry in the middle of the night and she went up to the pantry and had two soladas. In the morning her bowels moved, and for the first time since four days now she had big business. But she still did not feel like eating. She forced some food into her. Her husband was still in bed. She felt lonely – a feeling she did not have for a long time. She needed tasty food and company. She tried to sing but was not in the mood. She tried painting and could not finish painting her lost cat. She tried to read but could not concentrate. But one thing for sure she would be all right as all signs pointed to her getting well soon. Her husband woke up. Things already becoming better… |
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