Last night I went to bed late as I was working (I shouldn’t have but rested instead to prepare myself for bed but anyway), I couldn’t stop trying to get rid of the gas in me. I didn’t eat or drink much just to prevent the gas but some how I was still full of gas. Well I did some breatheology and finally was sleeping until 7:30ish this morning. But I woke up feeling agitated, with quick heart beats, a bit shortness of breath so instead I got out of bed, did all the routine of stretching, dancing, made breakfast and was watching some tv while having breakfast. I’m still having those side effects but I am able to keep calm. Yes, I said our bodies can’t beat chemicals but let’s see if psychosocial strategies can help and do wonders. The interesting thing is my blood pressure reading are all normal except the pulse is a bit high but of course I’m still feeling those side effects, I wonder why and I don’t have enough knowledge to analyse that. Anyway I will try to prove that psychological strategies can replace antipsychotic medications. I hope this can be posted to all my social media and friends and relatives as they are very helpful for those who suffer from the same symptoms as I do.
This was written early this morning
And this is the continuation later in the morning
At around 11ish this morning my shortness of breath, my agitation, my anxiety has all gone and I feel calm and I don't need to burp. The gas has gone. I wish some doctors can explain to me my blood pressure's reading which is not really very normal despite the machine is good. My psychiatrist said everyone is trying to help me and I really hope so. But one thing I am sure of is to keep calm at all times, just practice psychosocial strategies to achieve that. Do not panic, do not get angry, take things easy and relax.
This was written early this morning
And this is the continuation later in the morning
At around 11ish this morning my shortness of breath, my agitation, my anxiety has all gone and I feel calm and I don't need to burp. The gas has gone. I wish some doctors can explain to me my blood pressure's reading which is not really very normal despite the machine is good. My psychiatrist said everyone is trying to help me and I really hope so. But one thing I am sure of is to keep calm at all times, just practice psychosocial strategies to achieve that. Do not panic, do not get angry, take things easy and relax.